


All court scenes are portrayals of hypothetical scenarios.


家庭暴力诉讼清单PDF下载 也是为了配合上面的视频而制作的, and offers further information about the 家庭暴力 process. If you would like to download these 3 videos for use in your circuit, please contact vcsupport@primeaccountingservice.com.


NCJFCJ准备了一份 目录PDF下载 of 可用 publications from the Family Violence and Domestic Relations Program.


2023年佛罗里达州性暴力基准PDF下载 is a comprehensive resource guide for judges who are on the criminal bench and anticipate that they will hear cases involving sexual violence. 的 benchbook provides information on the hearings that courts routinely hold, complete with flowcharts and checklists designed to provide at-a-glance as well as in-depth analysis of the criminal procedures impacted by the nature of the crime.


 这 信息图表 PDF下载provides a quick look at what constitutes strangulation, 一些关于绞杀的统计数据, 以及它的一些破坏性影响.



Recognizing the Inherent Lethality Risks of Coercive Control

提出的 Judge Holly Grissinger, 6th Judicial Circuit, and Donna King, Ph.D., J.D ., 受害者安全港主席/主任

时间:2024年9月12日中午12:00 -美国东部时间下午1点

As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. 定义“强制控制”,” as derived from an empirical based study completed with data from a study of intimate partner homicides within the state of Florida.
  2. 识别强制控制的行为和行为.e., 八个主题和二十七个副主题, utilized by abusers and victims when coercive control is present in an intimate partner relationship, 包括身体暴力和暴力威胁. 
  3. Recognize non-violent coercive control tactics in a variety of scenarios through examples provided.
  4. Better understand the application of coercive control to Greyson’s Law, pursuant to § 741.28日,佛罗里达州. 统计., § 61.13日,佛罗里达州. 统计.和§741.30日,佛罗里达州. 统计.
  5. Understand the lethality risk of the continuing course of conduct of the non-violent tactics of coercive control within an intimate partner relationship between an abuser and a victim, whether or not recent physical violence or the threat thereof is present.

请提前注册本次网络研讨会:http://zoom.美国/研讨会/注册/ WN_DmgcEYQCQC6XiufWXDTvcg 
登记后, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.





Rima Nathan, Clinical Professor and Director of the Claude Pepper Elder Law Clinic


Learning objectives: As a result of attending this program, participants will be able to:

  1.  Identify the signs of financial and physical abuse of elders.
  2. Describe new legislation that has been implemented to help the courts protect older adults who are being exploited
  3. 定义道德规范和替代决策
  4. Recognize alternatives to guardianship and institute communicating with family members of elders

请提前登记参加本次网络研讨会: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f1lHqPjxTWKLzZJUdkt7fw

登记后, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


What Pets can Tell us About 的ir Families - Understanding the link between animal cruelty, 家庭暴力, 虐待老人, and child abuse to produce better judicial outcomes

提出的 Retired Judge Rosa Figarola, 11th Circuit

Learning Objectives: As a result of attending this program participants will be able to:

1.    Explain the link between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence. 

2.   Describe how being aware of the link can provide another tool with which to understand the family dynamics of a given case.

3.  Develop skills to incorporate knowledge of the link into their practice to help promote a better understanding of the family and achieve better outcomes. 

请提前登记参加本次网络研讨会: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qOjF11PvQs2CTeZPfSmbaw
登记后, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.




高级家庭暴力课程现在开始 可用. Created in unison with the Florida 统计e University, users can obtain up to 10 CLE's for completing all 8 chapters by referencing course 2301782N (2024年9月30日前有效). Judges may request 10 CJE's credit for their participation by referencing course 21-120.



提出的 End Violence Against Women International, this live virtual event will take place November 19-21, 2024. 的 three day course teaches concrete skills to conduct effective interviews and investigate sexual assault cases. 主题包括:

  • 创伤影响行为和记忆
  • Conducting an initial interview and preliminary investigation
  • Planning, preparing, and conducting an in-depth victim interview
  • Documenting victim statements and other investigative findings
  • 后续访谈和不断发展的调查

成本:299美元. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 www.evawint.org/victim-interviewing 

2025 End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) Conference

这 conference will be held April 22-24, 2025 at the Anaheim Marriott, in Anaheim, CA.

的 NCJFCJ has begun teaching their Enhancing Judicial Studies program again in various locations. 2024年奥运会的所有名额都已满. However, please contact OFC if you are a judicial officer and would like to attend in 2025.

国家犯罪受害者中心 国家培训学院

will be holding their next training September 18-20, 2024, in Portland, Oregon.

对于其他的列表 全国培训活动,请参阅VAWnet日历.

For events sponsored and/or hosted by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, 请参阅 NCJFCJ日历.    

If you have questions about upcoming events, please email the 家事法庭办事处 at vcsupport@primeaccountingservice.com.
